
The Board meets eight times in a year to administer the affairs of the charity, set strategies and policies and approve all major expenditure programmes.

At the Annual General Meeting, an Advisory Council is elected with between 3 and 6 members. The functions of the Advisory Council are to elect the board of the Trustees from among its members and to advise the Board.

All Trustees are also Advisory Council members. The Advisory Council met four times in the year.

The Board comprises the following:

  • Five members elected by the Advisory Council
  • Up to two Directors appointed by the Board for their specific skills

New Directors, Advisory Council and Committee members are familiarised with the workings of the charity and its policies through induction training, visits to regional offices and meetings with the Chairman, other Directors and the Chief Executive. Ongoing training and support for all Directors is provided through formal and informal briefings from the Chief Executive, Executive Management Team, third-party specialists or external courses as appropriate.

The Board has two sub-committees. The Investment Committee assists the Board in safeguarding the charity’s financial assets and in determining investment policy. It meets at least twice annually with investment managers, advisors and relevant staff. The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its obligations to ensure effective financial reporting, systems and internal controls are in place. It meets at least twice annually and comprises of a Director, investment advisor, data controller and at least one external independent member, all with relevant skills. The Board reviews the work of the Committees throughout the year. Appointments to both Committees are made by the Board.


The implementation of policies, control of approved financial programmes and day to day operations are the responsibility of the Chief Executive, who is assisted by an Executive Management Team.

For operational effectiveness, every project has an independent management team however still under the same integrated governance and management structure.

Regional staff are responsible for developing the activities of volunteer run projects and establishing new ones in areas of need.

Our Locations

  • London
  • Leicester
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester
  • Bradford

You can become a part of all or one of these noble causes by making donations. You can pay monthly or a one off for the project of your choice. You can also sponsor a part of any project by donating resources like renal treatment equipment, books for schools, sponsor a water resource etc.

Lets Talk

If you are interested in volunteering your services for any of the projects please contact us on +44 (0) 300 311 1310.

You can volunteer in many ways like becoming a part of teaching staffs for education, joining awareness team for renal issues and/or clean water supply.