With over 20 years of experience in Further & Higher Education, Main interestes are Teaching, Curriculum Development, Training, Consultation, Process & Systems Development & Implimentation.

Worked Closlely with International Accrediting Bodies, Higher Education Authorities & Commisssions, QAA, ASIC, British Council, Edexcel, Investor in People etc

Our Locations

  • London
  • Leicester
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester
  • Bradford

You can become a part of all or one of these noble causes by making donations. You can pay monthly or a one off for the project of your choice. You can also sponsor a part of any project by donating resources like renal treatment equipment, books for schools, sponsor a water resource etc.

Lets Talk

If you are interested in volunteering your services for any of the projects please contact us on +44 (0) 300 311 1310.

You can volunteer in many ways like becoming a part of teaching staffs for education, joining awareness team for renal issues and/or clean water supply.