Scholars School System

Achievement and Performance of Charity

We have been offering training and education services under UKCAB since 2006 to various bases of learners. We have worked in partnership with job centres in areas like London and Birmingham, where we got referrals for internships and training opportunities for school leavers, job seekers, NEET and single mothers. We have been involved in small scale projects where we performed worthily.


  • Our academic and Research & development working on securing university agreement for degree level programmes.
  • We are starting a programme for international learners
  • Working together / closely with F.E/HE colleges

Approximately 2000 learners have completed their further/higher education. We have proven track record as a partner, associate partner / delivery centre / subcontractor with Central Bedfordshire College, University of Bedfordshire, Brooklands College, IXION group and Edudo, Havering College, JB Skills and Learning Curve for HE/FE and AEB (Adult Education Budget). We are offering different courses including Business, Health & Social Care and Hair & Beauty. We managed to retain 93% (average) of students with success rate of 96% with positive outcomes.

Global Kidney Foundation

Achievement and Performance of Charity

The Global Kidney Foundation is a UK-based charity that raises awareness about kidney health and kidney donation as every day 123 people in England alone die prematurely because of chronic kidney disease.


We have been working towards achieving:

  • Propagate awareness about kidney diseases and prevention by arranging work shops
  • Arrange for treatment opportunities by providing equipment and medication
  • Building centres for consultation and treatments
  • Spreading information about renal disease

Internationally we have supported Pakistan Kidney Association and Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust in supporting their free dialysis programs across the country by helping them purchase dialysis machines, wheelchairs and food for the patients.

The charity will work closely with the NHS Blood and Transplants and starting awareness projects in Birmingham and London to raise awareness of organ donation amongst BAME communities.

Feedo Needo

Achievement and Performance of Charity

In UK we have established partnerships with Fair share, Greggs and Tesco that contribute in our food stock. We get a variety of food to cater to various bases. We try to offer food that is nutritious and healthy. This will allow the consumers to get their dose of five a day. Our food includes fruits, cooked 3 course meals, snacks and drinks. We even offer raw food for those who have a place to live but need food supplies. This type of food includes vegetables, condiments, rice etc.

All over the world people die from drinking contaminated water. People die all over the world from drinking this contaminated water fetched with great struggle. This mainly affects children as they are more vulnerable and as their bodies aren't strong enough to fight diarrhoea and other such illnesses.

We are focusing on villages and small towns across the world in providing them clean drinking water. We are also educating people about the importance of clean drinking water, help build a source of clean water like wells/filtering plants so people in the under developed world do not have to drink filthy water, trying to end the threat of diseases originated from contaminated water and claiming lives of children every day.

We are in the process of developing more partnerships to meet the growing needs of people.

Our Locations

  • London
  • Leicester
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester
  • Bradford

You can become a part of all or one of these noble causes by making donations. You can pay monthly or a one off for the project of your choice. You can also sponsor a part of any project by donating resources like renal treatment equipment, books for schools, sponsor a water resource etc.

Lets Talk

If you are interested in volunteering your services for any of the projects please contact us on +44 (0) 300 311 1310.

You can volunteer in many ways like becoming a part of teaching staffs for education, joining awareness team for renal issues and/or clean water supply.